Whole Wheat Bread Recipe - Sprouted and Family Approved (2024)


Previously, I shared my Quinoa Bread Recipe, today I’m sharing my 100% Whole Wheat Bread Recipe (that I make with sprouted flour).

Since we’re doing Trim Healthy Mama, we rarely eat bread. But, the kiddos have toast and I buy store-bought sprouted bread for my protein packed french toast. So I got to thinking, why not MAKE sprouted bread.

If you are so inclined, you can sprout your own grain, dry it, and then grind it for bread. I’ve done this in the past but the process takes time and is not conducive to camper living. So I gave up on homemade sprouted grain. Thankfully a local friend tipped me off to buying sprouted grain from To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co(I do not have any affiliation with them).

My friend had some extra flour that she was storing in her freezer. So I bought some off of her. I’m waiting on my sprouted grain to come in but in the meantime I’ve been making completely whole wheat bread with sprouted flour. Below is my recipe and it is tasty!

Now you can use regular wheat that’s not been sprouted but sprouting lowers the carb content and raises the vitamins and minerals. (plus it has a milder flavor)Whole Wheat Bread Recipe - Sprouted and Family Approved (1)

Here is my very basic but tasty whole wheat bread recipe. My kids declare it a winner, they’ve previously turned up their noses at homemade whole wheat bread. I hope you enjoy it too!

(I used sprouted soft white wheat but will be trying out sprouted kamut, oats, and soft white soon)

Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

  • 1 c. warm water
  • 1/4 c. honey
  • 1/2 Tbsp yeast
  • 1/4 c. olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 1/2 – 3 c. whole wheat flour

In a medium bowl, combine the water, yeast, & honey. Let it sit for a few minutes to give the yeast a chance to start working. Add the salt, oil, and 2 cups of flour. Continue to add more flour until the dough does not stick to the side of the bowl and does not feel sticky to the touch. Knead for about 10 minutes.

When you’re finished kneading the dough, let it rise once until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough and form it into a loaf. Placed into a lightly greased bread pan. Cut a slit in top of loaf to allow for expansion and air to escape. Cover and let bread rise for about an hour. Bake in a 350 degree preheated oven for approximately 30 minutes.

Whole Wheat Bread Recipe - Sprouted and Family Approved (2)

*You can also make this bread in a breadmaker.

*This recipe is easily doubled.

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9 thoughts on “Whole Wheat Bread Recipe”

  1. So this bread is thm approved even with the amounts of oil and honey? Serving size 2 pieces?


    • I would venture to guess this is not THM approved because of those 2 factors. It’s a great option for children not adhering to THM. (or for those who loosely follow THM). You could always experiment with cutting back on both the honey and oil.


  2. This recipe does not seem to call for enough yeast. Is this a typo?


    • Hi Eric, no typo. 🙂 That is the correct amount…thank you for checking though. It rises beautiful for me with that amount.


  3. i followed the receipe exactly and although the bread tasted wonderful, it did not rise much. Any suggestions on what I might have done? Did u use active yeast or instant?



    • Hmmm…I’m not sure what could have gone wrong other than the standard issues with using yeast. I use instant yeast. Sometimes I use a meat thermometer just to make sure I have the right temperature for yeast. Also, is the yeast fairly fresh?


  4. What yeast do I use and what brand I’m new to baking this will be my first time making bread. Thanks


  5. I would like to make this in my breadmaker…what order of ingredients would I do?


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Whole Wheat Bread Recipe - Sprouted and Family Approved (2024)


Is sprouted whole grain bread better than whole wheat bread? ›

The bottom line

However, sprouted grain bread has some advantages over other whole grain breads. It's lower in carbs, higher in protein and fiber, and may be easier to digest. Sprouted grain bread is also lower in gluten and antinutrients and has a lower glycemic index than regular breads.

Is sprouted whole wheat flour good for baking? ›

But you don't have to take our word for it—science says sprouted flour improves baking performance on multiple counts. In baking and sensory studies (reviews of taste and texture), bread made from sprouted wheat flour is less bitter and has better loaf volume than bread made from unsprouted whole wheat flour3.

What are the cons of Ezekiel bread? ›

Potential Risks of Ezekiel Bread
  • High in Carbohydrates. Ezekiel bread is a high-carb food. ...
  • Gluten Content. Although Ezekiel bread is technically flourless, it is not a gluten-free product. ...
  • Contamination With Mold.
Sep 12, 2022

Can I substitute sprouted wheat flour for all-purpose flour? ›

To incorporate sprouted flour into your regular recipes, you can replace up to 50% white flour without changing the recipe. After 50% you should be prepared to do a little experimenting.

Why is Ezekiel bread better than whole wheat? ›

Ezekiel bread has more protein, more fiber, and lower glycemic index for those who want to maintain blood sugar levels throughout the day. Most whole wheat breads have preservatives like cultured wheat starch that are acidic and make it harder for your body to fight diseases.

What is the difference between Ezekiel bread and sprouted bread? ›

Ezekiel bread is about as nutrient-dense as a bread gets. It's a type of sprouted bread, made from a variety of whole grains and legumes that have started germinating (sprouting). Compared to white bread, which is made of refined wheat flour, Ezekiel bread is much richer in nutrients and fiber.

What is the healthiest sprouted bread? ›

Food for Life sprouted grain Ezekiel 4:9 breads are certified organic and vegan. All of these reasons support the statement that Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grain breads are the healthiest bread you can eat. To find a store selling Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9 bread near you, visit our Store Locator.

Is sourdough bread better than sprouted bread? ›

Once you look past wheat breads and over-processed white flour, it's a toss-up whether to eat sourdough or sprouted manna bread. Both breads are healthier for you and easier to digest, especially if you are gluten sensitive and need to eat gluten-free bread.

Is Ezekiel bread better than Dave's Killer Bread? ›

Ezekiel Bread is chock-full of nutrients

This bread is also naturally low in sugar and fat, plus it's made of food that ensures your body gets more nutrition out of every slice. It's no wonder dietitians and nutritionists rave about it! That's not to say Dave's Killer Bread isn't a healthy option, however.

What is the controversy with Ezekiel bread? ›

In ancient times, apparently, Ezekiel bread was rejected by Christians because they felt it was baked with 'the sins of the baker' included. But it isn't the only sprouted bread causing a stir right now. Take Essene bread, an ancient recipe made with very simple ingredients.

Why does Ezekiel bread go bad so fast? ›

The shelf life of Ezekiel bread is dependent on the individual locale's climate as well as environmental conditions. Generally, due to the lack of preservatives, Ezekiel bread should remain fresh when unopened for a maximum of two weeks in optimal storage conditions.

Does Trader Joe's still carry Ezekiel bread? ›

Ezekiel Bread: Ezekiel bread is made from sprouted grains, to make it a gentler on your gut. Trader Joe's has the best price for Ezekiel bread that I've found, so I always stock up on it here! Sprouted Wheat Multi-Grain Bread: If you are looking for a delicious and healthy bread for sandwiches, then this is it!

How long does sprouted whole wheat flour last? ›

Sprouted flours will keep in airtight containers for six months at room temperature. To extend their shelf life up to one year, freeze. Fresh-baked sprouted flour bread can develop mold after four days or so.

What is the difference between whole wheat flour and sprouted whole wheat flour? ›

The basic difference? Sprouted flour is made from whole grain kernels that have been sprouted before milling, and regular flour is made from hard, unsprouted whole grain kernels. Sprouting softens hard grains like wheat, spelt, khorasan, and brown rice. That makes them easier to grind into a fine flour.

Does sprouted flour bake differently? ›

Baking with sprouted flour vs all-purpose flour

The texture of baked goods made with sprouted flour can be slightly denser and more moist than those made with regular flour. The sprouting process can also lead to a slightly nutty or earthy flavor in the baked goods, whereas all-purpose flour has a neutral taste.

Is Ezekiel bread healthier than whole wheat bread? ›

Compared to a traditional slice of whole wheat bread, Ezekiel bread contains 50% less sodium. 9 This can be significant for people with high blood pressure who eat bread regularly. Reducing sodium in the diet and increasing potassium can assist in blood pressure management.

Why is sprouted whole grain bread better? ›

Simply stated, they are whole grains that are soaked in water until they begin to germinate (or grow a small sprout). This causes them to become more nutrient dense and easier to digest than other grains.

Is Ezekiel sprouted grain bread healthy? ›

Ezekiel bread contains both soluble and insoluble fiber for a healthy gut. Ezekiel bread does contain wheat, and thus is not gluten-free, however, there are many other aspects about it that make it gut-friendly. The soluble fiber in Ezekiel bread also acts as a prebiotic in the gut microbiome.


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